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The iNtsika yeThemba Project in South Africa is supported by the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and Edmund Rice Foundation Australia
The iNtsika yeThemba Project aims to end Gender-Based Violence by equipping a generation of positive male role models, who challenge toxic masculinity and GBV, as well as promote equal rights and justice for all!
The core of iNtsika yeThemba’s 3-year project aims to break down these toxic ideas of masculinity while creating a space for dialogue and learning between young men, about how positive transformative masculinities can contribute toward a more just and equal society.
We work with young boys between the ages of 13-18 from under-served township communities such as Bonteheuwel, Nyanga, Khayelitsha, and Langa.
The reason for focusing on young men in this age bracket is because it presents a critical ‘window of opportunity' during which the opinions, ideas, and beliefs that reinforce gender inequalities can be challenged and shaped.
We also focus on communities where young boys are at risk of joining gangs.

Ntsika yeThemba Project: Stories Of Impact
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